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Eco-friendly houses in Kerala: A Blueprint for Sustainable Living

Eco-friendly houses in Kerala: A Blueprint for Sustainable Living

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on building eco-friendly houses in Kerala. Whether you’re a homeowner or a builder, this guide will provide you with valuable insights into sustainable construction practices that are tailored to the unique climate and environment of Kerala. Let’s embark on this green journey together!

1. What is an Eco-Friendly House?

Imagine waking up in a home that not only provides comfort but also harmonizes with nature, reduces your utility bills, and promotes a healthier lifestyle. That’s what an eco-friendly house is all about. These homes are designed to have minimal environmental impact by using sustainable materials, optimizing energy efficiency, conserving water, and minimizing waste.

➢ The Essence of Eco-Friendly Houses in Kerala

In Kerala, eco-friendly homes are particularly significant due to the region’s unique climate and rich biodiversity. Here, an eco-friendly house not only aligns with global sustainable practices but also integrates local materials and traditional designs that have been perfected over centuries.

➢ Why Choose Eco-Friendly Houses in Kerala?

Kerala’s climate is hot and humid, with abundant rainfall and greenery. This environment offers both challenges and opportunities for eco-friendly construction. Here are some compelling reasons to go green:

  1. Environmental Benefits: Eco-friendly homes help reduce carbon footprints, conserve precious water resources, minimize waste, preserving Kerala’s natural beauty.
  2. Economic Benefits: Sustainable homes lower energy and water bills, increase property value, and qualify for government incentives and rebates.
  3. Health Benefits: These homes often feature better indoor air quality, leading to healthier living conditions.
  4. Government Support: The Kerala government promotes green building practices through initiatives like the Kerala State Action Plan on Climate Change, which provides guidelines and support for sustainable construction.

2. Crafting Your Eco-Friendly Haven: Key Considerations

Designing an eco-friendly house in Kerala requires careful planning and consideration of various factors to ensure sustainability and comfort. Let’s follow the journey of Rajesh and Priya, a young couple in Kerala, as they embark on their quest to build an eco-friendly home.

Eco House in Kerala

➢ Climate-Responsive Design

Kerala’s climate necessitates thoughtful design to maintain comfort without heavy reliance on artificial cooling.

➤ Passive Cooling

One of the most effective ways to achieve thermal comfort is through passive cooling techniques:

  • High Ceilings: High ceilings allow hot air to rise, keeping the living space cooler. Rajesh and Priya decided to incorporate this traditional Kerala feature into their home design.
  • Cross Ventilation: Strategically placed windows and vents enhance the airflow in the rooms, reducing indoor temperatures. They consulted with a local architect who specializes in Kerala’s architecture to optimize cross ventilation.
  • Stack Ventilation: Utilizing thermal differences, stack ventilation ensures that hot air escapes from high openings, drawing in cooler air from lower openings. The couple found this technique particularly useful for their double-story living room.

➤ Natural Light

Maximizing natural light not only reduces energy consumption but also creates a pleasant living environment:

  • Strategic Window Placement: strategically placed windows can build your home with natural light, reducing the need for artificial lighting during the day. Priya was thrilled with the idea of having large windows in their living room to let in the morning sun.
  • Skylights: Installing skylights or light tubes can bring natural light into areas that are otherwise dark. They chose to install a skylight in their kitchen to brighten up the space naturally.

➤ Building Orientation

Proper orientation of your house can significantly affect energy efficiency:

  • Minimize Direct Sunlight: Orienting your house to avoid direct sunlight during peak hours can reduce heat gain and cooling costs. Rajesh and Priya’s architect recommended orienting their home to capture the cool breeze while avoiding the harsh afternoon sun.

➢ Locally Sourced & Sustainable Materials

Locally Sourced & Sustainable Materials

Using local and sustainable materials reduces transportation emissions and supports the local economy.

➤ Laterite Stone

Abundant in Kerala, laterite stone is an excellent building material due to its thermal insulation properties and durability. It has been used traditionally in Kerala architecture and blends well with the natural landscape. Rajesh and Priya used laterite stone on their exterior walls giving the building a rustic and timeless look.

➤ Coconut Wood

Coconut wood is a sustainable alternative to traditional timber. It is strong, aesthetically pleasing, and readily available in Kerala. This suggests that coconut wood is a sustainable alternative to other wood types, easing the carbon footprint associated with transportation. The couple opted for coconut wood beams in their ceiling, adding a unique charm to their interiors.

➤ Clay Tiles

Clay tiles are ideal for roofing in Kerala. They offer excellent insulation, are durable, and are available locally. Clay tiles also add a traditional aesthetic to your home, reflecting Kerala’s architectural heritage. One chosen by Rajesh and Priya was clay roof tiles that not only improve insulation in their house but also increase aesthetic value.

➢ Energy Efficiency

Improving energy efficiency is crucial for reducing environmental impact and utility costs.

➤ High-Performance Insulation

Proper insulation helps maintain comfortable indoor temperatures and reduces the need for artificial heating and cooling:

  • Wall and Roof Insulation: Use high-performance insulation materials for walls and roofs to minimize heat transfer. Rajesh and Priya chose recycled cellulose insulation, which is both economical and environmentally friendly.
  • Double-Glazed Windows: Installing double-glazed windows can significantly improve thermal insulation. The couple chose double-glazed windows to keep their home cool in summer and warm in winter.

➤ Energy-Star Rated Appliances

Investing in energy-efficient appliances can lower electricity consumption and reduce utility bills:

  • Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, and Washing Machines: Look for appliances with ENERGY STAR ratings, they use less power without sacrificing performance. Their new energy-star appliances helped Rajesh and Priya save on energy and improve contemporary efficiency at home.

➤ LED Lighting

Switching to LED lighting is a simple yet effective way to reduce energy consumption. LEDs are more efficient, last longer, and provide better light quality compared to traditional bulbs. Rajesh and Priya replaced all their old lights with LEDs, enjoying the bright, efficient illumination they provided.

➤ Renewable Energy Sources

Integrating renewable energy sources can drastically reduce reliance on grid electricity:

  • Solar Panels: Kerala’s abundant sunlight makes it an ideal location for solar panels. Installing a solar power system can generate clean energy for your home, reducing electricity bills and environmental impact. Rajesh and Priya invested in a rooftop solar panel system, significantly cutting down their electricity costs.
  • Solar Water Heaters: Solar water heaters can provide hot water for your home without electricity or gas. The couple also installed a solar water heater, ensuring they had a sustainable hot water supply year-round.

➢ Water Conservation

Water Conservation

Water scarcity can be a concern, especially during dry seasons. Implementing water-saving strategies is essential for sustainable living.

➤ Rainwater Harvesting

Collecting and storing rainwater is an effective way to supplement your water supply:

  • Storage Tanks: Install storage tanks to collect rainwater from your roof. Ensure the tanks are properly sized to meet your household’s water needs. Rajesh and Priya installed a rainwater harvesting system with a large storage tank, making use of Kerala’s abundant rainfall.
  • Filtration Systems: Use filtration systems to ensure the collected rainwater is clean and safe for use. They included a filtration system to purify the harvested rainwater for household use.

➤ Greywater Reuse

Reusing greywater from sinks, showers, and washing machines can reduce water consumption:

  • Irrigation: Use greywater for garden irrigation. Rajesh and Priya set up a greywater system to irrigate their garden, reducing their dependence on fresh water.
  • Toilet Flushing: Reuse greywater for toilet flushing, reducing the demand for fresh water. The couple’s greywater system also diverted water for flushing toilets, further conserving water.

➤ Low-Flow Plumbing Fixtures

Installing low-flow plumbing fixtures can significantly reduce water usage without compromising performance:

  • Low-Flow Showerheads and Faucets: These fixtures can reduce water flow while maintaining adequate pressure. Rajesh and Priya installed low-flow showerheads and faucets throughout their home.
  • Dual-Flush Toilets: Dual-flush toilets offer different flush options, allowing you to use less water for liquid waste. Their dual-flush toilets provided an easy way to save water with every use.

➢ Waste Management

Waste Management

Minimizing waste is a key component of sustainable living.

➤ Construction Waste

Reduce construction waste by using prefabricated components and modular designs:

  • Recycling and Reuse: Recycle and reuse materials whenever possible. For example, salvaged wood can be repurposed for flooring or furniture. Rajesh and Priya worked with their builder to minimize construction waste by recycling materials and repurposing them wherever possible.

➤ Household Waste

Implement practices to manage household waste effectively:

  • Composting: Composting organic waste reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and produces nutrient-rich soil for gardening. The couple started composting kitchen scraps, providing rich compost for their garden.
  • Recycling: Ensure proper recycling of paper, plastic, glass, and metal. They set up a comprehensive recycling system, making it easy to separate and recycle household waste.

3. Unveiling the Kerala Dream: Budget-Friendly Options

Eco-friendly houses in Kerala

Building an eco-friendly home doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are some cost-effective strategies to make your green dream a reality.

➢ Natural Light

Enhancing natural lighting can reduce the need for artificial lights, saving energy and costs:

  • Skylights or Light Tubes: Install skylights or light tubes to bring natural light into dark areas, reducing the need for electric lighting during the day. Rajesh and Priya found that adding a few strategically placed skylights brightened up their home naturally.

➢ Improving Insulation

Enhancing insulation can be a budget-friendly way to improve energy efficiency:

  • Insulating Existing Walls: Adding insulation to existing walls can improve thermal comfort and reduce energy bills. Rajesh and Priya used recycled cellulose insulation in their existing walls, which proved to be both cost-effective and efficient.

➢ Energy-Efficient Appliances

Investing in energy-efficient appliances can save money in the long run:

  • Upgrading Appliances: Replace old appliances with energy-efficient models to reduce electricity consumption and save on utility bills. They upgraded their old appliances to energy-star-rated ones, noticing immediate savings on their energy bills.

➢ Water-Saving Habits

Adopting simple water-saving habits can make a significant difference:

  • Shorter Showers: Encourage family members to take shorter showers to conserve water. Rajesh and Priya made a conscious effort to take shorter showers, reducing their water usage.
  • Fix Leaks: Repair any leaks promptly to prevent water wastage. They fixed all the leaks in their home, ensuring no water was wasted unnecessarily.

➢ Low-Cost Rainwater Harvesting

Implementing basic rainwater harvesting systems can be affordable and effective:

  • Rain Barrels: Use rain barrels to collect rainwater for garden irrigation. Rajesh and Priya installed a few rain barrels around their home, providing a simple and cost-effective solution for watering their garden.

4. Living Sustainably: Beyond the Build

Sustainability doesn’t end with construction. Adopting eco-friendly practices in your daily life is equally important.

➢ Energy-Efficient Habits

Incorporate energy-saving habits into your daily routine:

  • Unplug Electronics: Unplug electronics when not in use to avoid phantom energy consumption. Rajesh and Priya made it a habit to unplug their devices when not in use, reducing their energy bills.
  • Use Natural Light: Utilize natural light during the day instead of artificial lighting. They maximized natural light by keeping their curtains open during the day.

➢ Water Conservation Techniques

Simple changes in daily routines can lead to significant water savings:

  • Turn Off Taps: Turn off taps while brushing teeth or washing dishes. Rajesh and Priya always turned off the tap while brushing, saving water.
  • Efficient Dishwashing: Use a dishwasher if you have one, as it typically uses less water than hand washing. They switched to using their dishwasher, which used less water than washing dishes by hand.

➢ Waste Reduction

Implement waste reduction strategies in your home:

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Follow these 3 steps to minimize waste. Rajesh and Priya were diligent about recycling and reusing materials whenever possible.
  • Composting: Compost organic waste to reduce landfill burden and create nutrient-rich soil. Their composting efforts provided rich soil for their garden, reducing waste and improving their garden’s health.

➢ Embrace Local Resources

Incorporate local flora into your landscaping to promote water efficiency and support local biodiversity:

  • Native Plants: Choose native plants that are adapted to Kerala’s climate and require less water and maintenance. Rajesh and Priya’s garden was filled with native plants, which thrived with minimal water.
  • Edible Landscaping: Consider growing your fruits, vegetables, and herbs to reduce reliance on store-bought produce. They also planted a small vegetable garden, providing fresh produce for their family.

5. Finding Your Green Team: Eco-Friendly Professionals in Kerala

Building an eco-friendly home requires the expertise of professionals familiar with green building practices. Here’s how to find the right team in Kerala.

➢ Qualified Builders and Architects

Look for professionals with experience in sustainable construction:

  • Certifications: Check for certifications like GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment), Which is India’s national green building rating system.
  • Portfolio: Review their portfolio to ensure they have experience with eco-friendly projects. Rajesh and Priya found a local architect with a strong portfolio in sustainable construction, ensuring their home was built to green standards.

➢ Consultants

Eco-friendly consultants can provide valuable insights into sustainable practices and help you navigate the complexities of green building:

  • Energy Auditors: Energy auditors can assess your home’s energy use and recommend improvements. The couple hired an energy auditor who identified key areas for improvement, helping them enhance their home’s energy efficiency.
  • Sustainability Consultants: These professionals can guide you through the process of implementing sustainable practices in your home. They also worked with a sustainability consultant who provided expert advice on materials and design strategies.

➢ Relevant Organizations and Directories

Utilize resources such as the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) and local directories to find certified professionals:

  • IGBC Directory: The IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) directory lists certified green building professionals in India.
  • Local Directories: Local directories and professional associations can help you find experienced eco-friendly builders and architects in Kerala. Rajesh and Priya used these resources to connect with professionals in their area.

➢ Benefits of Working with Certified Professionals

Professionals certified in green building practices can ensure that your home meets the highest standards of sustainability, potentially qualifying you for government incentives and improving the overall efficiency and value of your home. Rajesh and Priya’s decision to work with certified professionals ensured their home was not only eco-friendly but also eligible for various green building incentives.


Building an eco-friendly home in Kerala offers numerous benefits, from environmental and economic advantages to improved health and well-being. By adopting sustainable construction practices, utilizing locally sourced materials, and integrating energy and water-efficient systems, you can create a home that is not only in harmony with nature but also cost-effective and comfortable.

Embark on your eco-friendly building journey today. Connect with qualified professionals, explore budget-friendly options, and commit to sustainable living practices. Together, we can build a greener, more sustainable Kerala.

For more information and resources on building eco-friendly homes in Kerala, visit the Indian Green Building Council, GRIHA India, and Kerala State Action Plan on Climate Change. Join the movement towards sustainable living and contribute to a healthier planet, starting with your own home.

Hi, I'm Abhijit Sarkar, deeply passionate about creating engaging content and exploring eco-friendly designs. My journey includes gaining valuable experience in content writing and creating useful resource for my readers. I'm driven by a strong interest in environmental sustainability and its impact on design and communication.

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